Course Objective:
- To create awareness regarding current trends, issues and research as related to various aspects of Public Administration.
- Inculcating an interdisciplinary / comparative approach to research
- Updating knowledge in pertinent areas of research.
- To acquaint the students with research methodology
Learning Outcomes:
- To create awareness regarding current trends, issues and research as related to various aspects of Public Administration.
- Inculcating an interdisciplinary / comparative approach to research
- Updating knowledge in pertinent areas of research.
- To acquaint the students with research methodology
The students will be required to prepare a dissertation based on the synopsis presented in Semester III. They will be required to prepare a presentation of the dissertation topic. An external expert and an internal member will evaluate the same.
The division of marks will be as follows:
Internal evaluation:30 marks, on the basis of regularity, data collection, contact with the supervisor, originality of the work
Seminar and viva voce-70 marks